Wishful Thinking: an Easter display

Easter-themed houses and accessories
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Wishful Thinking: an Easter display

Post by OKPat »

Hi guys .... This miserable winter really got to me, and I started to make my Easter table decoration well in advance. I saw a Potting Shed scene in a gardening magazine that got me going on miniaturizing it, then decided to add some personal touches, like my old bulldog. She's mesmerized by a humming bird and apparently hasn't noticed what the Easter Bunny dropped off on the patio: a basket full of eggs and a chocolate rabbit.

I'm stretching the theme, but I made the birdhouse entirely of cardboard and paper shingles... so it's a bird putz. A lot of the items were made from wood, of course, but I also use Sculpey to make miniatures... it's very adaptable to putzes... I may just take a crack at one of Howard's flatties using it.
easter scene 4 resized.png
easter scene 4 resized.png (901.7 KiB) Viewed 43065 times
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Re: Wishful Thinking: an Easter display

Post by Howard »

Adorable!...Just adorable!...In my book...miniatures, doll houses, fairy gardens, putzes, etc...they are very close first cousins...really just other ways to celebrate and enjoy...just like model trains and collecting toy soilders, etc...we create our own little worlds...It's all good...

My very best regards...Howard...
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Re: Wishful Thinking: an Easter display

Post by Lynn »

You have done a great job your attention to detail makes one think they are standing in the garden. I love the world of minitures thanks so much for sharing!
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Re: Wishful Thinking: an Easter display

Post by les »

Just wonderful!! Very inspiring!!! Going to the Tom Bishop miniature show tomorrow in Chicago. Will be looking for some fairy garden materials. Thanks for sharing!!!
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Re: Wishful Thinking: an Easter display

Post by OKPat »

Thanks, guys ... I was questioning this submission, but I see it worked out... we do need an outlet for our itchy fingers during the Off Seasons!

Les, you just broke my heart. I haven't ever been able to get to Chicago for the Tom Bishop show, which is my idea of Mecca. Remains on my bucket list
when I retire. However, my son was on a business trip there two years ago, and he graciously went shopping there for me. He said it was UNBELIEVABLE!
There are a number of miniature artisans who do great Christmas things (ex.: Bridget McCarthy) and I've used some of their items in my Fireplace Putz and North Pole scenes.

Howard, now that I've made your lamplighter flattie from cardboard, I truly appreciate your skill in turning out such a well painted and detailed figure. This was an enjoyable
and absorbing several hours. Thank you for sharing your inspirations and instructions.
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Re: Wishful Thinking: an Easter display

Post by paulrace »

GREAT JOB, Pat, thanks for sharing. - Paul
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Re: Wishful Thinking: an Easter display

Post by maria »

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Re: Wishful Thinking: an Easter display

Post by les »

Pat, Just recap of yesterday's visit to the Bishop show. Lots and lots of eye candy!! I didn't purchase anything, but helped a friend find items for a music room she's working on. Not a lot of Christmas items this year. Did see a tree decorated with tiny blinking LED's that created a magical effect. All and all it was a good day. Hope to see you there in the future!!!
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Re: Wishful Thinking: an Easter display

Post by OKPat »

Les, I hope I do get to Chicago next year for Bishop's show. In the meantime, I mentioned the miniature artisan Bridget McCarthy. She
made the decorated box in the sleigh here. Another artisan made the reindeer, which came buck naked, if you'll pardon the pun, so I rigged up some trappings and the reins. Santa and his sleigh, along with some of the toys, are vintage German.
reindeer resized.jpg
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Re: Wishful Thinking: an Easter display

Post by les »

Pat, Thanks for sharing the santa, sleigh and reindeer. A friend of mine who was at the show too is a follower of Bridgette as she does some wonderful animals. In fact, my friend bought a dog from her last year. As the show rolls around next year, let's stay in touch and perhaps we could meet. It's fun to get to know fellow putzers and miniaturists in person. I'm really lucky as Pete Oehmen lives in the same town I do and we get together periodically for show and tell.
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