I got a question about Windows 7's Paint program. If you have Windows 7 you don't need to download anything. Just:
1. Open the file in Paint.
2. Select Resize.
3. Make sure that Pixels is Checked.
4. Make sure that Maintain Aspect Ratio is checked. (If you have an older version of Windows and the Paint program doesn't have a Maintain Aspect Ratio button, you will need a different program, such as the Paint.net program shown above.)
5. Enter the new width (for this forum 800 or less). The height will change automatically.
6. Use the Save As function to give the file a new name so you don't over-write the high resolution original.
resizing_w_windows_7_paint_program.jpg [ 63.2 KiB | Viewed 24078 times ]
The only reason this might not work is if you've cropped your photo so that it's nearly as wide (or wider) as it is tall. In that case, I usually change the height so it's lower than 600 and most people can see it on their screen. 720 height is about the maximum, even for folks who have 1600x900pixel screens, because the headers and footers on the browser take up so much vertical space.