Resizing photos for forums

When you're talking about Cardboard Christmas (putz) houses, a photo is worth TWO thousand words. Here are some notes about posting photos on this forum.
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Resizing photos for forums

Post by paulrace »

We LOVE photographs here. If you have one you want to post, see if you can get it down to 800px wide. One way is to open the Microsoft Paint program (under Accessories in your menu bar). Click the box that says Resize, then when the next menu comes up, click the button under "Pixels," then put 800 in the width box and click the OK button. Then do a SAVE AS so you don't write over your original photo, and rename it. I like to put the pixel width in the name. Like thomas_on_viaduct_800.jpg. BTW, .jpg and .gif work the best, .jpg is usually better for colors.

If you don't have a paint program on your PC at all, you can download GIMP for free, but it has a lot more features, and if you're really bad with computers, you may find it more confusing.

The PC version is at: They swear they're working on an Apple version, but there are equivalents, I'm sure.
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