
Contact Us!

Please use the following form to get in touch with us if you have any questions about our site or if you wish to join our forums or receive any newsletters or mailings.

Note: The form software will sometimes allow incomplete or fraudulent responses to get through, but we delete all incomplete or fraudulent responses immediately without any feedback to you, so please enter all required fields accurately.  

If You Just Want to Ask  Question, please enter your real first and last name, your e-mail address, your zip code, and your question into the following form.

If You Just Want Our Newsletter, please enter your real first and last name, your e-mail address, and your zip code into the following form. Also, please enter some comment that describes your specific interest in the subject matter of this forum (bad guys usually enter vague comments like “Great content. I’ll be back”).  So be specific. Also, be certain to check the box that says you want to receive the newsletter.

If You Want to Join Our Discussion Forum:  The CardboardChristmas.com discussion forum is the internet’s preferred hangout for experienced collectors, crafters, and restorers of cardboard Christmas houses.  However, since this forum came online, we have had thousands of fakers try to get into the system for the wrong reasons.  Every web site has this problem, but for us it was especially important to keep such folks out of this site, since we have such a wonderful community of crafters and collectors.

We tried going to a 100% manual system, which put all the work of vetting applicants and signing up on us.  But we discovered that quite a few real people never actually participated once we went through the process of entering all of their information manually.  Plus, in 2016, it took us far too long to get people registered, since we were overwhelmed with forced migrations, forced software upgrades, and other maintenance issues.

So to continue to keep “baddies” out of the system, while allowing real people to apply for membership in their own time, we have adopted a four-step application procedure.  I say “application,” not “registration,” although that’s what the forum page says, since we take membership in our discussion forums seriously, and it doesn’t help anybody if we spend a lot of time vetting and manually entering people who never actually had any intention of participating. 

There are now four steps, plus we insist on knowing who you really are. No one but the site administrators will ever see that information, of course. 

Here are the four steps you must follow.  If you need help with any of them, please use the comment area of this page to let us know what you need help with. 

  1. Go to the Forum page, click on the word “Register” in the top left hand corner of that page, and fill out every required field on the application form with real information.  Note: The User Name/Nickname you choose will be the only field that other members see, and you use it when signing in, so please choose something that is easy for your to type and which also gives other folk SOME idea of who you are or what you do.  If the “User Name/Nickname” you specify is gibberish or gobbledygook, that will get your application deleted immediately, since that’s a common tactic of spammers, scammers, and other bad people.
  2. Once you have submitted the form, return to this page and enter the following information in the form below, then hit the “submit” button: 
    1. Your real first and last name
    2. Your e-mail address
    3. The Nickname/User Name you plan to use on the forum (the one you specified on the application page).  We need this to separate your application out from the dozens of fake application we get every day.
    4. Your zip code
  3. Once you have received your password, please log in to the system and change it to something you will remember by using the User Control Panel/Profile/Edit Account Settings menu (User Control Panel is in the upper right corner of the page).  If you don’t receive your password within 8 hours of submitting your registration, please contact us using this page.
  4. While you are logged in, go to the “Who Am I” page and introduce yourself, telling the other members something about your interest in the hobby.  Your message will not appear until your membership is approved, but it is a necessary part of the process.  If you received your password and can’t log in, please contact us using this page as soon as possible.  

You must finish all four steps within 24 hours of submitting your initial application or your application will go into our spam file for deletion with the dozens of other incomplete or fake applications we received every day.

Finally, if you fail to provide required information or if we determine that you have provided false information, we will either your application and/or revoke your membership without notice. 

If you have made an honest attempt to sign up and you never received your welcome email and password, first check your spam filter.  Then, if your welcome e-mail and password is not there, please let me know that in the comments section below.

Thanks for getting in touch!

Paul Race and the other contributors of Cardboard Christmas.

    Please contact us using this form. If you ask any questions, we'll try get back to you within 48 hours.

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    If you have applied for membership in the discussion forum, please enter the User Name/Nickname that you entered on the registration form. (If you are only subscribing to the newsletter, please ignore this field).

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    Would you like to receive our free e-mail "Christmas Times" newsletter, which includes announcements when new articles or special announcements are posted on the Family Christmas Online™ site? (Note, if you join the discussion forum you will be signed up automatically unless you opt out here.)
    Would you like to receive (by US Mail) any physical mailings that we send to our subscribers in the future? (We haven't done this in the past, but you never know. if you check this box, be sure to add your address information above.)
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    Click to see sturdy  Lionel(r) trains that are perfect for your Christmas tree.


Visit our Sister Christmas Pages
Buyer's Guide Pages
Visit Family Christmas Online Click to return to the Old Christmas Tree Lights Table of Contents Page Free plans and instructions for building your own vintage-style cardboard village. Unique Christmas Gifts and Decorations Big Christmas Trains: Directory of Large Scale and O Scale trains with holiday themes Classic O Gauge Trains
Collectible Villages and Trains

Click to see collectible Christmas villages and trains.


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